
Thursday, 21 January 2016

Doctoral Research Scholarships

RRU's Financial Aid & Award team has targeted these major Doctoral research scholarships for which we will provide application and administrative support.  There are lots of other scholarships out there and you can find them through following tips in this blog. Please contact those agencies directly with any questions. They’re the experts regarding their funding program.

To be competitive for many of the major doctoral scholarships you’ll need an already established history in the field of research you’re planning to conduct, whether as a researcher or a professional, and have a reasonable list of publications in your name in that subject area – publications are a MUST in my opinion. Having presented at conferences would be an asset. 

Personally speaking, I’m a big fan of Mitacs because of its high success rate. The next most reasonable competition is the SSHRC Doctoral Awards, described below, for research related to social science or humanities. If you’re not researching the social sciences, consider NSERC for natural science, or CIHR for any health-related research.

Before you start your program, please check out RRU’s Entrance Awards for some Doctor of Social Science-specific opportunities. After your first day of class you can start to participate in our In-Course Award competitions. You may find our blog about applying for awards as an interdisciplinary student helpful.

SSHRC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program is designed to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by offering them a significant financial award to assist them during their studies at Canadian universities. This program provides 500 Canadian and international doctoral students each year with highly prestigious scholarships valued at $50,000 per year for three years.

RRU is able to submit one application every three years to the national competition for funding through the Social Science and Humanities Research Council.

Vanier scholars are doctoral students of the highest calibre who demonstrate:
• academic excellence (all “A”s or nearly so in all past post-secondary study)
• research potential (determined through presenting a strong research proposal, has past publications, received other awards and honours, conference presentations, etc.)
• leadership (personal achievement, involvement in academic life, relevant community involvement, civic engagement, etc)

If the 3-year allocation hasn't yet been used, students enrolled in the first year of RRU's Doctoral program will be emailed a "Call for Applications" in the spring for the November nomination deadline. This will be a short-form competition to seek a potential Vanier Scholar. If a candidate who fulfills the Vanier description above is found, we will assist him or her through the full application process.

Application deadline: a short-form competition will be run in each spring RRU has a remaining allocation. One student may be invited to complete the full application by November that year.

SSHRC Doctoral Awards
The SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships and Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) Doctoral Scholarships aim to develop research skills and assist in the training of highly qualified personnel by supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of scholarly achievement in undergraduate and graduate studies in the social sciences and humanities. Applicants apply for both awards by completing one application form. The top tier of Doctoral Fellowship recipients get upgraded to the CGS award. 

Some CGS recipients may be considered for the honour of having their scholarship named a “Canada Graduate Scholarship to Honour Nelson Mandela,” should SSHRC deem their application to be aligned with at least one of five themes championed by Mandela: national unity; democracy; freedom and human rights; leadership; children’s participation in society; and children’s health. They do a key word search in application titles to assign this extra honour.

RRU is able to submit three applications to SSHRC to compete nationally for renewable awards valued up to $35,000/year, renewable for up to three years.  I don’t yet know how many awards are available Canada-wide, but ask me late September if it’s important to you.

Visit the SSHRC Doctoral Awards program information page to view the funding program description, eligibility requirements and the application form
Check out our website for RRU-specific instructions on how to submit your application 

Application deadline: mid-October

NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program and NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program
The Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program (CGS D) and NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program (PGS D) provide financial support to high caliber scholars who are engaged in a doctoral program in the natural sciences or engineering. The CGS D will be offered to the top-ranked applicants and the next tier of meritorious applicants will be offered an NSERC PGS D.

RRU is able to submit applications to NSERC to compete nationally for renewable awards valued up to $35,000/year for up to three years.

Visit the NSERC program information page to view the funding program description, eligibility requirements and the application form 
Check out our website for RRU-specific instructions on how to submit your application 

Application deadline: mid-October

CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral Awards (CGS-D)
The program provides special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in a health-related field in Canada.

RRU is able to submit applications to CIHR to compete nationally for renewable awards valued up to $35,000/year for up to three years.

Visit the CIHR Doctoral Research Award page linked in this page 

Application deadline: mid-October

Mitacs Accelerate
Mitacs-Accelerate is a graduate research internship program which connects graduate students and post-docs in any discipline at Canadian Universities with companies through short- to medium-term research projects which address a company need. During a Mitacs-Accelerate internship, the intern spends approximately half of his or her time onsite with the company, collecting data and interacting with staff; the balance of time is spent at the university, developing innovative approaches to solving the research challenge in collaboration with faculty and fellow students.

The program provides grad students and postdocs with the unique opportunity to apply their research to an issue faced by a company while making vital connections with industry. Faculty members benefit also from the program as it can be a stepping stone to establishing a greater collaboration with a private sector partner.

For each four-month internship, the company contributes $7,500 which is matched by Mitacs through the support of the Networks of Centres of Excellence’s Industrial R&D Internship Program and the BC Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation. Of the $15,000, the intern receives a minimum $10,000 stipend with the remaining $5,000 supporting other costs associated with the research project.

For more information about the Mitacs-Accelerate program, check out this blog dedicated to Mitacs, watch this video, visit, or contact Nolan Beise, Mitacs Business Development Specialist.

McKenzie King Open Scholarship
The Open Scholarship is available to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere.
The awards will be based on high academic achievements (typically all A’s or very nearly so), personal qualities, and demonstrated aptitudes. Consideration will also be given to the applicant’s proposed program of study.

RRU is able to submit two applications to the McKenzie King Scholarship Selection Committee for consideration. One Open Scholarship is awarded each year and the value has recently been about $8,500 but it is subject to change.

Visit the McKenzie King Scholarship website for complete information and to find the application 

Application deadline: annually on February 1st

Trudeau Scholarship
Each year, the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation rewards outstanding doctoral candidates who are enrolled or about to be enrolled in a social sciences and humanities program and who are doing research in areas related to our four themes. This award, the most prestigious of its type in Canada, has continuously attracted the very best scholars in the social sciences and humanities, individuals with a passion for public engagement and who are likely to become leading national and international figures.

RRU is able to submit up to eight applications to the national competition for renewable awards valued up to $60,000/year for up to four years. Success rate is around 6%.

Visit the Trudeau Scholarship program information page to view the funding program description, eligibility requirements and the application form.
Check out our website for RRU-specific instructions on how to submit your application.

Application deadline: mid-November
Please note that the deadlines listed in the Trudeau Scholarship application are for when the nominations are due to them (i.e. RRU’s deadline to nominate). We must first hold an internal competition to select our nominees.

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