
Friday, 12 February 2016

Solving the Mystery of Full time Student Loan Eligibility in BC

    Image: INTVGene

Maintaining program eligibility for full-time student loans shouldn't be a mystery. If your target student population is relying on student loans to fund their education, these are the important factors of program eligibility worth considering before making major changes and potentially losing that funding source.  

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

2016 Career Development Day

Here at the RRU Financial Aid & Awards Blog we’re all about financial planning. Making a good income is, of course, a big part of any financial plan, which is why we’re excited to announce RRU’s annual Career Development Day.

Students are invited to attend this daylong event on Wednesday February 10, 2016 at Royal Roads University. The day will include presentations, panel discussions, a career fair with over 30 employers, and plenty of networking opportunities.